Current Issue

Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 9/30/24

Year: 2024


The journal aims to publish original and qualified studies on subjects related to social sciences (literature, history, psychology, sociology, philosophy, economics, business, finance, educational sciences, political science, international relations, etc.).

All subjects covered by Human Sciences are among the journal's field of study.

Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Journal of Social Sciences
Author and Publication Guides

This guide consists of three parts. In the first section, you can find a sample spelling guide template, in the second section, you can find journal publishing principles, and in the third section, you can find article writing rules.
MCBÜ-Journal of Social Sciences Publication Principles
The principles of publication of the journal determined by the board of Directors of the Journal of Social Sciences of Celal Bayar University consists of 6 specifications. The principles are listed as:
1. Scientific, original and qualified articles, interviews, translations, introductory articles, topics and etc. related to the social sciences. studies can be published in the journal.

2. Studies submitted to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the publication principles and writing rules of the journal.

3. Articles that do not comply with the principles of publication, writing rules and scientific research methods of the Journal are not considered by the editorial board, the editorial board is free to not to publish the submitted articles.

4. Authors are responsible for the thoughts, explanations, scientific and legal responsibilities of their study.

5. Studies submitted to the journal must not have been previously published anywhere, given publishing rights, and/or passed the evaluation stage in another journal.

6. Studies submitted to the journal are sent to at least two referees related to the field. When one of the referees expresses a negative opinion, the study is referred to a third referee.

MCBÜ-Journal of Social Sciences Publication Principles
1. The principles and rules of journal writing determined by the board of directors of Manisa Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences of are stated below. Compliance with the relevant rules is strongly requested. Studies that are not prepared according to the rules will not be taken to the evaluation stage.

2. On the first page of the study, the page layout should be defined as “narrow”. The margins at the bottom, top, right and left sides of the page should be arranged as 1.27 cm. The page should be separated from other pages by adding a page break from the breaks section under the “Edit” menu in MS Office Word.

3. Page layout on other pages of the study from the second page should be determined as “Normal”. Margins margins from the bottom, top, right and left directions should be arranged as 2.5 cm.

4. The Palatino Linotype font must be used during the writing of the study. The Font should be used as 11 points in body texts, 12 points in section headers, and 11 points in second-level headers.

5. A single leading layout should be used in the study. Paragraph indentation must not be done in the study. All paragraphs must begin at the beginning of the line.

6. Turkish and English titles of the study must not be more than 12 words. The first letters of the words in the title should be written in capital. Headers must be bold, centered, and 14-point in size.

7. Turkish and English abstract section should be written in such a way that it does not exceed 150 words. 10-point font must be used. 4 keywords must be defined.

8. If the study has been presented as a paper at any Symposium/Conference or scientific event, this must be stated in the footnote section. If the study is supported by a project or institution, it must be mentioned in the footnote section.

9. “Introduction”, “method”, “findings”, “discussion, conclusions and recommendations”, “thanks and information”, “bibliography” and “explanations” should be included in the study. These sections and subheadings of the sections can be increased or decreased according to the field of study.

10. In-text source representation of the study must be done in accordance with APA 6 format.

Single-Authored Studies

A development study found that what children learn in primary school is important (Smith, 1990).
A development study found that what children learn in primary school is important (Smith, 1990, s.67).
In a developmental study (Smith, 1990), on what children learn in elementary school…
In the study conducted by Smith (1990), children attending primary school...
In 1990, Smith's study of elementary school children…

Multi-Authored Studies

A development study found that what children learn in primary school is important (Masserton, Slonowski ve Slowinski, 1989).

For the first time in the representation of the source: As discussed by Masserton, Slonowski and Slowinski (1989) …

In later renditions of the source: As claimed by Masserton and others (1989) … A development study found that what children learn in primary school is important (Masserton, Slonowski and Slowinski, 1989).

For the first time in the representation of the source: As discussed by Masserton, Slonowski and Slowinski (1989) …

In later renditions of the source: As claimed by Masserton and others (1989) …
In later renditions of the source: As claimed by Masserton and others (1989) … 
A development study found that what children learn in primary school is important (Masserton, Slonowski ve Slowinski, 1989).
For the first time in the representation of the source: As discussed by Masserton, Slonowski and Slowinski (1989) …
In later renditions of the source: As claimed by Masserton and others (1989) …

11. In the study, the letter system (a, b, c) will be used to mark the information that will be provided in the text as articles. Marking must be indented 0.5 cm.

12. The table name is written in 11-point size and centered. The first letters of the table name (except for conjunctions and prepositions such as and, de, mi, and MI) are written in uppercase. Decals are not shown in the table. The table leans to the side with the auto fit to Window feature. Articles in the table should be written with 10 points. The space between the table number, Table Name, Table and table rows is set to 1.5 nk. There must be a 1-character space between the last row of the table and the paragraph after the table.

Table 1. T-test Results According to the Faculties That Students Study

Faculty of Education
Faculty of Scıence And Letters
Faculty of Business and Administrative Sciences

13. Shapes must be added to the page as centered. If the figure is large on the page, it must automatically fit into the window, as in tables. Figure numbers and titles are given in size 11 points, centered below the figure. Except for special names, only the first letter of shape names is capitalized. It is not written in bold. The section before the figure name (Figure 1. Figure 2.) Is written in bold. There must be a 1-character space between the shape name and the paragraph after the shape.


Figure 1. Logo of Manisa Celal Bayar University

14. The bibliography must be prepared in accordance with the APA 6 rules for displaying resources. English English Turkish Turkish full text reference procedures and principles should be taken into account in the text references and references, English English full text reference procedures and principles should be taken into account. The font should be given Palatino Linotype, 11 points, and 6nk (single line spacing) before and after leading. Indentation should be given 0.5 cm hanging from the left. Examples of spelling are given below;

Bruckman, A. (1997). MOOSE Crossing: Construction, community, and learning in a networked virtual world for kids (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Retrieved from
Bulut, O. (2013). Between-person and within-person subscore reliability: Comparison of unidimensional and multidimensional IRT models (Doctoral Dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (UMI No. 3589000).
Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2005). Research methods in education. London: Routledge.
Göçer Şahin, S., Çakıcı Eser, D., & Gelbal, S. (2018). The interaction effect of the correlation between dimensions and item discrimination on parameter estimation. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 9(3), 239-257. DOI: 10.21031/epod.402992

15. Footnote system will not be used in the studies that will be sent. The necessary explanations will be added to this section, and the total explanations section will not be more than 1 page. The text field should be written in the Palatino Linotype font, 10 points in size, single line spacing, and justified. If materialization is to be used, the numbering system or letter system should be used according to the preference in this section. Shape marking will not be used.

Important Issues

1. Be sure to adhere to the principles of journal writing and the template given below in your study. You can place your own content in the relevant parts of the template.

2. Before loading the work into the system, the flow chart must be checked and the missing step should not be left.

3. The total number of words in your study must not exceed 8000.

4. Do not change the page numbers in the template. The page bottom and top information will be edited during the final revision phase, which will be made after the acceptance of the article.

5. Tables and figures should be located on the same page as possible and must not be divided. The responsibility for the necessary corrections belongs to the authors.

6. Studies that do not comply with the writing rules described here are sent back to the author without being taken into the evaluation process by the editors and correction is requested, the work is not sent to the referees for review without making the necessary corrections.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publishing Ethics
Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal is a journal that is published to post scientific articles in the social studies field according to the ethical principles and rules. The articles that are sent to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal are evaluated with a two-way blind arbitration process. The articles that are accepted after the evaluation are published electronically with free access.

The publisher, editors, authors, arbitrators and, readers that are some of the parts of Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal, should obey the ethical principles and directives indicated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (
Within this scope, the information concerning the responsibilities of the components of Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal is given below.

The Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
1. The publisher of Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal, Manisa Celal Bayar University, is a non-profit public education institution.
2. The Editor Committee/Board of Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal is constituted by Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Institute. The editor in chief of the journal is the director/head of the Social Studies Institute. The members of the Editor Committee are chosen from the social studies field and each member is appointed for three years. If a member leaves, another member is chosen. The member whose time expires can have additional time. The editor determines the editors from the editorial committee. In addition to this, depending on the topic of the article, if necessary, a lecturer that isn’t a member of the Editor Committee can be appointed as a field editor.

The Responsibilities of The Editor Committee of Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal
1. The Editor Committee is responsible for every article that is referenced to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal and the members are aware of this responsibility. Not thinking about personal gains and deciding independently is the base of this responsibility. The relationship between Publisher and the Editor Committee is based on the independency principle, every decision made by the editors are independent of the publisher and other people and establishments.
2. The main purpose of the Editor Committee of Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal is continuously to improve the journal and help improve the publishing quality.
3. The Editor Committee is responsible for the blind arbitration evaluation process, the determination of ethical principles and determining the policies of the journal like publishing works and, implementing these policies.
4. The Editor Committee is responsible for protecting the copyrights of the writers of published articles in the journal.

Ethical Responsibilities of The Editor, Editor Assistants and Field Editors
1. Editors are attentive to give feedback on the works required based on the requests of the arbitrators, writers, researchers and readers.
2. Editors are attentive to do readjustments on a work’s publishing period and giving objective comments on subjects that need explanation.
3. Editors are attentive to publish original articles and works that will contribute to scientific literature.
4. Editors approve the articles to the evaluation process as long as the works do not have important problems.
5. Editors have the right to reject works that won’t contribute to scientific literature, that are not original or that are not in the field of the journal, in the pre-assessment stage of the editor Committee.
6. Editors base the opinions of arbitrators about the works that are in the assessment process and unless there are serious problems in the article, they don’t change the decisions made by the arbitrator and field editors.
7. Editors, paying attention to policies about blind arbitration and the assessment process, don’t disclose any information about the arbitrator and are attentive for the works to be evaluated unbiased.
8. Editors enable to keep continue the process of arbitration on a large scale trying to enlarge the arbitrator pool of the journal.
9. Editors don’t pay attention to reviews that are based on non-scientific resources and arbitrators that don’t abide by the academic etiquette.
10. During the publishing period of the journal, editors maintain an efficient connection with the people and arrange regular meetings.
11. Editors are attentive to protect the private information of the articles in the journal.
12. Editors pay attention to protecting human and animal rights in the articles that are sent to the journal.
13. Editors reject the related work when there is a need for approval by the ethical committee or need for experimental research, however when the documents are not sent to the journal.
14. Editors pay attention to correcting the mistakes or contradictions in the articles.
15. Editors take notice of the criticism aimed at the article and give the writer of the said article the right to reply.
16. Editors assess the complaints and requests directed at the journal and give the necessary explanations.

The Ethical Responsibilities of Arbitrators
During the assessment period of the articles sent to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal, a two-way blind arbitration process in which writers do not know the arbitrators and vice versa is applied. The arbitrators that are going to assess articles sent to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal should pay attention to these ethical responsibilities:
1. Arbitrators should only approve evaluating works that are related to their area of expertise/specialty.
2. Arbitrators should evaluate the articles with neutrality and privacy.
3. Arbitrators should dispose of the article that they evaluated after the evaluation process ends.
4. When arbitrators realize there is a conflict of interest or pool concerning the article that they are evaluating, they should refuse to evaluate the article and inform the editors.
5. Arbitrators should abide by academic etiquette, use constructive language and not make personal comments while evaluating the articles.
6. Arbitrators should analyze the articles that they agreed to evaluate during the evaluation period.
7. Arbitrators should respond to the article evaluation request in 7 days and finish the accepted evaluation in 15 days.

The Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The authors who apply for their article to be published in Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal should pay attention to these ethical responsibilities:
1. Authors shouldn’t send articles to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal that was published in another journal or was sent to be published.
2. Authors should only send their original articles to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal.
3. Authors have to fill out the copyright form and upload it to the system.
4. Authors should properly credit the sources that they benefit during the writing of the article that they sent to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal.
5. The people who didn’t contribute to the writing the article shouldn’t be written as an author in articles that are sent to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal.
6. The people who have a conflict of interest or pool in an article sent to Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal should be reported to the editors.
7. During the evaluation process of the article, information about the work or raw data can be demanded from the writer by the Field Editors on behalf of the Editor Committee. In case the information exists, the writers are obligated to comply.
8. Authors should document the usage rights of the data in their works and the permissions given to be able to use them.
9. Authors, regardless of the period, when they notice an error in their work, should inform the editors and correct the mistake or withdraw the article.
10. Authors should note that they have obtained the approval of the ethical committee for the research that needs by quantitative or qualitative methods which the approval of the ethical committee is needed for the experiment, questionnaire, scope, discussion, observation, focus group study in the first and last pages and the method chapter. On the other hand, they should emphasize the taken information of consent form in their case report.
11. Authors should present the proof that they take care of the ethical principles during the period of data collection (such as getting the permission of them to use the documents like scope, questionnaire, photo). It should be noted that in the articles, such issues as the arrangement of the copyright for work of art and research and publication ethic are respected. If the research was conducted on human or animal subjects, it should be noted that the research has been completed conveniently to international notice and manual etc.

Notifying The Editor of A Situation That Does Not Fit The Ethical Principles
If encountered with a non-ethical situation related to the editors, arbitrators, or writers in Manisa Celal Bayar University Social Studies Journal, the e-mail address should be informed.

Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi açık erişimli olup; makale değerlendirme süreci, makalelere erişim ya da yayım süreçleri için herhangi bir ücret talep edilmemektedir.